John McCain vs. Barack Obama. The candidates will debate for the first time this Friday, but they've been throwing barbs back and forth for several months now. Some of the hardest hits have been in their campaign ads.
In case you missed them, here are some of the highlights and lowlights from a rough-and-tumble campaign season:Initially, each man set out to define himself. John McCain went with a trippy time-lapse ad.Meanwhile, Barack Obama introduced himself to America, accompanied by acoustic guitar.McCain soon followed with a James Bond parody.But the 1960s groovy graphics might have seemed a bad idea when viral videos about "things younger than McCain" appeared.The first Obama ad that took off was unofficial — this now famous music video. It took the "Celeb" ad to give the McCain campaign its first home run.The Obama folks counterpunched, as did Paris Hilton.While the celeb theme got headlines, this Web-only ad is in fact the most-searched-for McCain ad.On the other side of the aisle, this attack ad against McCain is the most-searched-for offering from the Obama campaign.McCain paired Obama with blond starlets, while Obama has made much of McCain's connection to a certain unpopular president, like in this ad. All seem to feature the two men hugging.What issue will star in the next round of ads? If Obama's new ad and this McCain ad released Monday are any clue, it may turn out to be this.